These terms of service (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") govern the relationship between Goodvyzn LLP, hereinafter referred to as the "Licensor",
and the end user, hereinafter referred to as the "Licensee", in the form of an Agreement and in connection with the use of the Realia mobile
application. The Agreement will be concluded based on the terms and conditions stated below.
Definitions used for the purpose of these Terms of Service:
Mobile application - a computer program and/or database.
Mobile application Realia (hereinafter - Realia) - an interactive virtual training program in the form of a
collection of data, commands that generate audio and visual material (hereinafter referred to as data and commands), activated sequentially to
obtain a certain result by the Licensee free of charge for the set of unlocked data and commands or for a specified fee for the locked data and
commands. The rights to use data and commands (unlocked and locked) are granted by the Licensor to the Licensee under a simple (non-exclusive)
license in accordance with the terms of these Agreement.
Licensor - Goodvyzn LLP, legal address: Kazakhstan, 050028, Almaty, Kokzhiek district, building 11 office 20, BIN
220340025338, which grants the use of the Realia mobile application under a non-exclusive license in accordance with this Agreement.
Licensee - an individual who, in accordance with this Agreement, is granted the right to use the Realia Mobile
Application bound by the limits stated in this Agreement.
Content - illustrations, graphics, scripts, works of literature, texts, phonograms, performances, information,
audio, video materials, educational materials and other results of intellectual activity or other elements, the exclusive rights to which belong
to the Licensor and are included in or provided by the Realia Mobile Application.
Rights to locked data and commands - the rights specified in this Agreement to use data, commands that generate
audio and visual material in the Realia Mobile Application, activated sequentially for the Licensee to obtain a certain result in the Realia
Mobile Application, acquired by the Licensee after payment of a predetermined Fee. Locked data and commands must be activated by the Licensee,
including, but not limited to: grammar simulators in each lesson, practical tasks to improve listening comprehension, the additional ability to
repeat words after typing them on the keyboard. The exclusive right to locked data and commands belongs to the Licensor, therefore no offers of
third parties to provide locked data and commands or their versions of them can be regarded as offers coming from the Licensor.
Fee - payment to the Licensor for granting the Licensee the Rights to locked data and commands within the limits
established by this Agreement. The amount of the fee is determined by the Licensor by setting the appropriate tariffs and depends on the name,
share of the Rights granted to the Licensee for locked data and commands and (or) the period of their use. The amount of the fee is determined
by the Licensor and is indicated in the relevant sections in the application stores from which the Licensee can install the Realia Mobile
Application. The Licensee can independently choose the frequency of payment and the tariff for using the Rights to locked data and commands from
a set of options offered by the Licensor: for example, a month, a year, or a one-time payment. If the Licensee is granted the Rights to locked
data and commands on a subscription basis, which involves charging for the use of locked data and commands with a certain frequency, the
conditions for setting up the subscription, unsubscribing, renewing the subscription (including automatically), as well as the terms for
charging for the Subscriptions and providing refunds are solely subject to the terms and policies of the respective app stores, which the
Licensee used to install the Realia Mobile Application on their mobile device.
The amount of the fee and its collection procedure may be changed by the Licensor by posting the relevant information in the application
stores at any time without prior notice to the Licensee.
In the process of Licensee acquiring Rights to locked data and commands, payment will be made: from the Licensee's iTunes account, if the
Licensee has installed the Realia Mobile Application from the "Apple AppStore" application store; from the Licensee's Google Play account, if
the Licensee has installed the Realia Mobile App from the “Google Play” app store; from Licensee's Huawei account if Licensee has installed
the Realia Mobile App from the "Huawei AppGallery" app store. The Licensee can manage his subscriptions after they are connected and disable
auto-renewal in the settings of his Account of the application store from which the Licensee installed the Realia Mobile Application.
Mobile part - the software that has to be installed on the Licensee's mobile device for the use of the Realia
Mobile Application. The Client’s Product can be downloaded from the Internet free of charge and used within the limits of the use of unlocked
data and commands, for the purpose of subsequent non-commercial use of the Realia Mobile Application in accordance with its functional purpose,
unless this Agreement states otherwise.
Territory - the territory, where the use of the Realia Mobile Application by the Licensee is allowed under the
terms of this Agreement, which includes the territory of all and any countries of the world.
Period - the period of time during which the Licensee is entitled to use the Realia Mobile Application. Unless
otherwise provided by this Agreement, the right to use the Realia Mobile Application is granted to the Licensee for the duration of this
Terms of Service - the text of this Agreement concluded between the Licensor and the Licensee, with all annexes,
changes and amendments to it, available on the Internet at:
General information
The Licensor grants the Licensee the right to use the Realia Mobile Application under the terms of a simple non-exclusive license and within the
limits specified in this Agreement. The Licensee is to comply with this Agreement and the provisions of other mandatory documents that are its
integral part, stated directly in this Agreement.
The Licensee is granted the Right to use locked data and commands under the terms of this Agreement, subject to the prepayment of the Fee to
the Licensor.
Agreeing to the Terms (acceptance of this public offer) means the full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of the Agreement and is ensured
by the Licensee by performing one (or more) of the following actions:
the familiarization of the Licensee with the Agreement and accepting the Terms by clicking the "I accept the terms of service" button or
similar in meaning;
the registration and (or) authorization in the Realia Mobile Application;
sending requests and/or performing other actions listed in the relevant section of the Realia Mobile Application aimed at obtaining the
Right to locked data and commands on the terms of the selected tariff;
paying a fee for granting the Right to locked data and commands on the terms of the selected tariff;
the use of the Realia Mobile Application in any way.
Performance any actions by the Licensee stated in clause 2.2. Agreement, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Kazakhstan confirms the
familiarization and full unconditional acceptance of the conditions set forth in this document, and is the acceptance of the Licensor's offer
and the Terms of Service stated in this Agreement. The Licensee is obliged to comply with the Terms of the Agreement. If the Licensee does not
agree with the terms of the Agreement, the Licensee is not entitled to use the Realia Mobile Application, and therefore the Licensee must
uninstall the Client’s Product if it is installed and stop any use of the Realia Mobile Application.
A prerequisite for granting a non-exclusive license for the use of the Realia Mobile Application is the unconditional acceptance and compliance
by the Licensee of the requirements and provisions applicable to the relations of the Parties under the Agreement, bound by the following
Privacy Policy posted on the Internet at:, which defines the rules for processing
the Licensee's personal data.
Tariff terms posted and/or available on the relevant pages (in sections) of the Realia Mobile Application and/or on the relevant pages (in
sections) of the mobile application store, through which the Licensee can install the Realia Mobile Application on his mobile device,
containing information on the scope of Rights to locked data and commands, the terms for granting access to them, the procedure and
conditions for paying the Fee to the Licensor and other conditions for granting Rights to locked data and commands.
The binding documents specified in clause 2.4. of this Agreements are an integral part of the Terms of Service.
Limitations during the use of the Mobile Application Realia
The Licensee may use the Realia Mobile Application during the Period and within the Territory in the following ways:
Using the Client’s Product of the Realia Mobile Application by installing it into the memory of the Licensee's mobile device in order to
further use the Realia Mobile Application in accordance with its functional purpose;
Using unlocked data and commands to achieve a certain result provided by the functionality of the Realia Mobile Application;
Activating locked data and commands after paying the Fee to the Licensor and using them to achieve a certain result provided by the
functionality of the Realia Mobile Application.
Exclusive rights to the Realia Mobile Application as a whole, including its Content, design, educational materials, as well as any of their
components, fragments and elements, as well as the exclusive right to the database, which is a collection of educational materials and other
objects, including their selection and location belong to the Licensor.
The Realia mobile application is intended solely for personal non-commercial use within its technical capabilities and functionality. Any
copying, reproduction (except for the permitted copying and reproduction for the purpose of lawful use provided for in this Agreement),
processing, modification, distribution, publishing or copying the application’s code, or other use of the Realia Mobile Application in ways not
provided for in this Agreement , and (or) outside the scope of the functionality implemented in the Realia Mobile Application in the form in
which it is placed by the Licensor in mobile application stores, as well as any use for commercial purposes is prohibited.
The Realia Mobile Application provides the Licensee with the functionality to save the learning progress and restore it when reinstalling the
Realia Mobile Application, namely: the Licensee's dictionary, the Licensee's completed tasks, the number of sequential days of classes completed
by the Licensee. The specified data is not, in accordance with applicable law, the personal data of the Licensee.
The Licensor’s obligations
The Licensor is obliged to:
Provide the Licensee access to use the Realia Mobile Application in compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement;
Notify the Licensee of any changes to the terms of this Agreement by publishing information on the Internet site;
Grant the Licensee the right to use the unlocked data and commands free of charge;
Grant the Licensee the right to use locked data and commands on the terms of the selected tariff in accordance with the terms of this Agreement
and the documents specified therein provided the Fee is paid. Granting the Licensee the right to use locked data and commands is carried out on
the terms of the selected tariff, established on the date of payment, from the moment of payment and until the end of the paid license term,
taking into account the conditions for terminating the license in case of early termination of the Agreement on the grounds provided for in this
Agreement and (or) applicable law.
The Licensee’s obligation
The licensee is obliged to:
Comply with the terms of this Agreement;
Use the Realia Mobile Application solely within the limits of the rights and methods of use stated in this Agreement;
Not violate the Licensor's exclusive right to the Realia Mobile Application and/or any component of the Realia Mobile Application. In
particular, the Licensee does not have the right to copy, broadcast, distribute, publish, and otherwise distribute and reproduce materials
(text, graphics) and other Content included in or provided through the Realia Mobile Application without the written consent of the Licensor;
Comply with other requirements and fulfill other obligations stipulated by this Agreement.
Other terms. The limitation of the Licensor's Obligations
The Licensor’s granting simple license to use the Realia Mobile Application is not the provision of educational services. The Licensee agrees
that after using the Realia Mobile Application, he cannot claim any confirming certificates or diplomas. The Licensor does not guarantee that
the Licensee will acquire knowledge and (or) improve the level of foreign language proficiency as a result of using the Realia Mobile
The Licensee agrees that the Licensor may deliberately simplify the rules of English grammar and translation options for English words in order
to increase the efficiency of learning. The Licensor is not responsible for the exclusion of any English grammar topics from the Realia Mobile
The Licensor has the right to establish any rules, limits and restrictions (technical, legal, organizational or otherwise) on the use of the
Realia Mobile Application in general and any of its elements, as well as the Content and materials provided through the Realia Mobile
Application, and may change them at their sole discretion, without prior notice to the Licensee.
The use of the Realia Mobile Application is provided to the Licensee on an "as is" basis in accordance with this Agreement. Therefore the
Licensor provides no guarantee that: the Realia Mobile Application is free from errors or bugs; the Realia Mobile Application will meet the
requirements or expectations of the Licensee; access to the Realia Mobile Application will be provided continuously, quickly, securely and
without errors; the results that can be obtained using unlocked and/or locked data and commands will be accurate and reliable; the quality of
any product, service, information and other content obtained using the Realia Mobile Application will meet the expectations of the Licensee; all
errors in the operation of the Realia Mobile Application will be corrected.
Since the Realia Mobile Application is constantly being developed and updated, the name and composition of the provided functions may change
from time to time without prior notice to the Licensee. The Licensor has the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate (temporarily or
permanently) the operation of any individual functions of the Realia Mobile Application without prior notice to the Licensee.
The Licensor is not responsible for interruptions in the operation of the Realia Mobile Application in the event of software or equipment
failures of third parties.
The Licensor is not responsible for the suspension of the operation of the Realia Mobile Application based on the request of a competent
government agency or an application store.
The Licensor shall not be liable for interruptions in access and use of the Realia Mobile Application related to scheduled or emergency
technical work, replacement of equipment, software or other work caused by the need to maintain the operability and development of the
Licensor's technical means.
The Licensor is not responsible for the functioning and availability of individual segments of the communication network. The Licensor does not
guarantee information exchange with those nodes or servers that are temporarily or permanently unavailable via the communication network.
The Licensor is not responsible for ensuring the security of the equipment and software of the Licensee used to work with the Realia Mobile
The Licensor is not responsible for the actions of the Licensee in connection with the use of the Realia Mobile Application, including its
additional functionality. The Licensor's liability is stated within the terms of this Agreement.
The Licensor's total financial liability, within the Terms of the Agreement, is limited to the documented damage caused to the Licensee in an
amount not exceeding the amount of the Fee paid by the Licensee in the period in which such damage was caused.
The Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the use of a granted a license to the Realia Mobile Application for free does not fall under consumer
protection legislation.
The Licensee agrees to receive informational emails (hereinafter referred to as “notifiers”) from the Licensor to the email address specified
during registration in the Realia Mobile Application about important events occurring within or in connection with the Realia Mobile
Application. The Licensee agrees to receive push notifications from the Realia Mobile Application on a mobile device, including reminders and
other notifications provided by the functionality of the Realia Mobile Application. The Licensee is given the opportunity to set push
notification rules in the settings of the Realia Mobile Application on the Licensee's mobile device.
The Licensor has the right to use notifiers and push notifications to inform the Licensee about the capabilities of the Realia Mobile
Application and / or about changing the functionality and / or providing special conditions for access to the Realia Mobile Application and / or
about changing tariffs, as well as to provide any other information relating to the Realia Mobile Application.
In the event of a significant violation or repeated violations by the Licensee of the terms of the Agreement or other binding documents, the
Licensor has the right to block the account of the Licensee completely or limit (terminate) the rights to use the Realia Mobile Application for
a certain period or indefinitely.
The Licensor reserves the right to place advertising materials and links to other resources in special blocks in the Realia Mobile Application.
The Licensor is not responsible for these advertising materials and the availability of such resources, for their content, as well as for any
consequences associated with the use of these resources, their content or advertising.
In case of one or more provisions of the Agreement has been recognized in the due manner by a court as invalid, this does not deem the entire
Agreement invalid. In the event that one or more provisions of the Agreement are recognized invalid in the prescribed manner, the Parties
undertake to fulfill the obligations assumed under the Agreement in a manner as close as possible to those implied by the Parties when
concluding and / or agreed to amend the Agreement.
This Agreement and the relationship of the Parties in connection with this Agreement and the use of the Realia Mobile Application are governed
by the laws of the Kazakhstan.
The rules for processing the Licensee's personal data and other data that the Licensor receives in connection with the Licensee's use of the
Realia Mobile Application are governed by the Privacy Policy (
The terms of this Agreement with all changes, additions, updates are available at:
The terms of this Agreement may be changed by the Licensor without any special notice to the Licensee. The new version of the License Agreement
comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Internet at the address indicated above, unless otherwise provided by the new version of
the License Agreement. The current version of the License Agreement is always located on the page at:
All disputes of the Parties in relation to this Agreement shall be resolved through correspondence and negotiations using the mandatory
pre-trial (claim) procedure. If it is impossible to reach an agreement between the Parties through negotiations within sixty (60) calendar days
from the moment the other Party receives a written claim, the dispute may be submitted by any interested party to the court at the place of
registration of the Licensor in accordance with the procedural law of the Kazakhstan, for exception to conflict of laws rules.
All questions, appeals and claims related to the use / inability to use the Realia Mobile Application, as well as possible violation of the law
and / or rights of third parties, should be sent to
Any notifications, unless otherwise provided by the Agreement, may be sent by one Party to the other Party: 1) by e-mail a) to the e-mail
address of the Licensee specified by him when concluding the Agreement if the recipient is the Licensee, and b) to the e-mail address mail of
the Licensor from the email address of the Licensee specified by him when concluding the Agreement; 2) sending an electronic message to the
Licensee in the Realia Mobile Application.
Period of validity, amending and terminating the Agreement
The Agreement between the Parties is in effect upon its acceptance in the manner prescribed by this Agreement and shall be valid for 1 (one)
year. The validity of the Agreement is automatically extended every 6 (six) months, unless it was terminated at the initiative of one of the
Parties by sending a corresponding notice to the other Party at least 30 (thirty) calendar days before the expiration of the Agreement. In the
event of termination of the Agreement in the specified manner, the Licensor shall not return any funds to the Licensee and shall not make any
other compensation, including losses of any kind.
If changes are made to the Terms of Service, the updates become valid from the moment the new version of the Terms of Service is posted at:, unless another validity period is
specified in the Terms of Service or in the corresponding notice during amendments. In the event of a change in the Agreement by the Licensor
and the start of their validity, the use of the Realia Mobile Application or performing other actions stated in clause 2.2. Agreement means the
Licensee consents to the specified changes and the Agreement on the new terms. The Licensee is not released from any obligations and is also
responsible for the violation of the Agreement, if such obligations or liabilities are stated in the Agreement, taking into account the changes
made to it, including if the Licensee has not read the changes in the Agreement.
The Licensee is not entitled to use the Realia Mobile Application if he does not agree with the changes made to the Agreement. In this case, the
Licensee has the right to terminate the Agreement within 10 (ten) calendar days after the Licenser posts a publication about changes to the
Agreement or sends a notification by e-mail or in the Realia Mobile Application. If a decision is made to terminate the Agreement, the Licensee
is obliged to send the Licensor a notice of termination of the Agreement by e-mail. If within the above period the Licensee has not sent a
corresponding notice, the Licensee is considered to have accepted the terms of this Agreement, taking into account the changes made to it.
After receiving from the Licensee a notice of termination of the Agreement, the Licensor suspends the Licensee's access to the Realia Mobile
Application, including blocking the Licensee's account. At the same time, the Licensor does not make any refunds to the Licensee and does not
compensate any sort of losses.
The Licensor has the right terminate this Agreement at any time without court ruling, which entails the termination of the ability to use the
Realia Mobile Application, including unlocked and locked data and commands, as well as other components of the Realia Mobile Application, in the
following order:
In the event the technical support of the Realia Mobile Application is discontinued, the Licensor is obliged to send a relevant notice to
the Licensee or publish a corresponding notice in the Realia Mobile Application and (or) in the application store, from which Licensee may
install the Realia Mobile Application no less than 90 (ninety) calendar days prior to the date of termination of support for the Realia
Mobile Application. In this case, the Licensor does not pay the Licensee any compensation and, among other things, does not refund the Fee
(or part of it) for granting the Right to locked data and commands to the Licensee.
In the event the Licensee makes one significant or several violations of the terms of this Agreement and other binding documents, the
Licensor has the right to terminate this Agreement without court ruling and without sending any notification to the Licensee. In this case,
the Licensor does not pay the Licensee any compensation and, among other things, does not refund the Fee (or part of it) for granting Rights
to locked data and commands.
At any time and without notice to the Licensor, the Licensee has the right terminate this Agreement in full without court ruling, provided that
the Licensee stops using the Realia Mobile Application, including any of its elements and components, and deletes the Client’s product of the
Realia Mobile Application from the memory of the Licensee’s mobile device.
The Licensee's termination of the Agreement can be carried out by deleting their account from the Realia Mobile Application or deleting the
Client’s product from the memory of the mobile device, while maintaining the obligations and liabilities of the Licensee that arose before the
Licensee performed these actions. In this case, access to unlocked and locked data and commands provided to the Licensee may be terminated by
the Licensor without the possibility of recovery. In this case, the Licensor does not pay the Licensee any compensation and, among other things,
does not refund the Licensee the Fee (or part of it) for granting Rights to locked data and commands.
The Licensee confirms that the Licensor has the unconditional right to change the terms of the binding documents specified in this Agreement,
and that such changes do not have to necessarily change this Agreement.
Binding documents are approved and amended by the Licensor at its own discretion and brought to the attention of the Licensee in the manner
provided for notifying the Licensee of a change in the Terms of Service.
The Licensor does not assume any obligations and that would guarantee the support, further development and implementation of interactive
functionality and services in the Realia Mobile Application throughout its existence.